Phase One Concept Trades

Concept Trade Evaluations

Trading off the concepts. Beginning the patent process.

Basic concepts will be explored and reviewed. Basic level CAD models, diagrams, or sketches may be created so that concepts may be visualized. Work performed during this phase is intended only to share creative ideas and thoughts. The goal of Phase 1 is to evaluate basic concepts which will influence more in-depth engineering efforts in future phases.

This is also a good time to get connected with our network of patent lawyers so that the device can be investigated whether there are similar patents or whether the patent path is the best strategy.

The concept trades phase of product design.

This is when some real engineering begins. Starting with some concepts to be explored. From the concepts we can begin some basic CAD modeling, create some conceptual diagrams for circuitry, and some image renderings you can show other people to get feedback on your concepts. This phase can be useful if you need some input from others or need to generate interests from potential investors. This effort is focused on turning that vision into actual images that can be shared to foster more creative thinking.

Think of this phase as an extension of Phase-Zero, except at a higher level where the concepts being considered are actually acted upon with regards to some conceptual CAD modeling and postulating further opinions which concept or design might be worth pursuing.

As with any phase, we can revise our original estimate since we now know more than when we first started.

For more information on new product development check out Wikipedia here: Wikipedia

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