Sales & Marketing

Marketing Consulting

Branding and marketing your new invention product is essential.

As your project goes along we will connect you with our skilled team of sales and marketing people. This includes a professional website design to help you get the word out. If you want to go the crowdfunding route we have experts that can put together your Kickstarter or IndieGoGo page. Of course for an effective marketing campaign our team can produce a video for your web page, marketing brochure, or crowdfunding campaign. You will need a coach to hold your hand through the process too. Don’t forget Google AdWords, branding and logo design, packaging design and even social media and email marketing. All this and more, our independent network of experts will work with you on your terms and help launch your product to profitability.

Trying to hook a client through creative marketing.
Marketing a new product is a challenge.

Sales Consulting

New product sales is the result of good marketing.

Creating your brand identity and marketing that brand properly will result in sales of your product. Correctly pricing your product is a science. Is your brand a luxury brand or is it a low price brand intended to be competitively priced. These decisions are made early on in the design process. This determines the quality of the materials used in the manufacture of your new product. Converting the brand to sales is what will drive your brand and your company forward.

While we are primarily an engineering design house, we will connect you with experienced exerts at both marketing and sales of new inventions. We just make the introduction and you work directly with our experts one on one. The experts will advise you the best path to success and can even help manage your actual sales if you so choose.

Making Money

Profit is not a dirty word. It takes a talented passionate team.

To talk with our experts contact us by filling out the form here: Contact Us

For more information on new product sales check out Wikipedia here: Wikipedia

For more information on new product marketing check out Wikipedia here: Wikipedia

Profit is not a dirty word.