Phase Two Concept Selection

Final Concept Selection

Review to recognize potential technical challenges ahead.

Now that we have laid out some concept options it is time to pick the best one and start working on that one in more detail. Now is the best and last chance to easily alter the overall concept because we are otherwise ready to rock and roll! Here we will get into greater detail of the concept with a deeper understanding of the technical challenges ahead. The goal of Phase-Two is to identify the specific challenges whether there is a need to push technology while we envision how the device may assemble and be manufactured for minimizing costs down the road.

The concept selection phase of product design.

Once we complete this phase we know exactly what we are designing, what the challenges will be to overcome, and will be able to much more accurately estimate the costs going forward.

During this phase, the preferred concept(s) from Phase 1 will be further explored and evaluated. This phase may include more in-depth CAD modeling, sketches, and/or diagrams in order to better understand the challenges of the preferred concept(s).

The goal of Phase-2 is to predict which concept has the best path to success including the recognition of design features that may present challenges going forward.

Upon completion of Phase-2 and upon request a revised estimate may be provided for subsequent phases.

For more information on Product Design check out Wikipedia here: Wikipedia

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