Phase Zero Concept Research


Whiteboard Concept Ideas And Trade Studies. Creating Ideas.

In cases of vaguely defined concepts it may be beneficial to perform research studies before estimating further phases. This can be extremely worthwhile as the benefits offer a more complete technical definition influencing subsequent estimates. The goal of Phase 0 is to define the scope of work in order to provide a more accurate estimate of future phases. This phase may not be necessary with some projects.

The initial research phase of product design.

A loosely defined project needs research to back up the varying concepts. We offer a Phase-Zero to help you better define what it is you are looking for and what problem you might be trying to solve. Some projects don’t need a Phase-Zero depending on how strong the client’s vision may be. Some of the things we can do under this phase is research of existing products and patents, some top level concept recommendations which vision may be more efficient once it gets to manufacturing, and some overall coaching how best to pursue your vision.

This phase can be extremely useful in better defining the subsequent phases and providing more accurate estimates going forward. Here we want to get a grasp on the scope of work so that we can point you in the best direction. We can do just a Phase-Zero estimate and once Phase-Zero is complete we can revise the estimate to include future phases

For more information on New Product Development check out Wikipedia here: Wikipedia

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